Book Review: Seaworks by Paul Kenny + Video
Book Review, Books, NewsSantosh Korthiwadadiffusionalum, Paul Kenny, photo book, photo book review, photobook, publication, Santosh Korthiwada, TripleKite
Book signing with Jake Shivery
#diffusionalum, Books, Events, News, OpportunitiesBlue Mitchellblue sky gallery, booksigning, jake shivery, photobook, photolucida, portland photo month
Book Review: Gum Printing by Christina Z. Anderson
#diffusionalum, Book Review, Books, NewsDiana H. Bloomfieldbook, book review, Christina Z- Anderson, cyanotype, Diana Bloomfield, diffusionalum, focal press, gum bichromate, gum printing, photo book review, photobook, platinum palladium
Book Review: Absence of Being by Susan Burnstine
#diffusionalum, Book Review, Books, News, PublicationKatt Janson Meriloabsence of being, book review, Chantel Paul, damani, del zogg, diffusionalum, photo book, photobook, publication, susan burnstine
B+W magazine article on Jake Shivery
#diffusionalum, Books, Interview, News, PublicationBlue Mitchellcontact, interview, jake shivery, jakeshivery, photo book, photobook, susan burnstine, susanburnstine
Jake Shivery featured on CNN