Final Letter from the Editor

Dear lovely friends,

I’m writing this message to update all our readers and fans on the state of all things One Twelve and Diffusion. Many of you have noticed that we haven’t published an annual since volume ten so, yes, Diffusion has been, and still is, on hiatus. I can only commit to that language at this point …“hiatus” because, in my mind, it is not finished. In part, it has already morphed into the Diffusion Tapes podcast as an audio option to showcase the conversations around photography, art, and life journeys. Our One Twelve website has featured articles, curated portfolios, and special topics that evolved from being supplemental to Diffusion to having its unique voice. With great contributions from so many editors, curators, and writers, I thank you.

Diana Nicholette Jeon has been contributing for several years now to portfolio features, and took over, and transformed, the column Poignant Pics. I can’t thank her enough for spending so much energy writing and promoting artists, it’s been a nice treat for her to step up while I was stepping back. Michael Kirchoff has run a great series featuring artists outside of the US, called Traverse, and has contributed featured artists for our Poignant Portfolios series. Michael is also now my co-host and comrade of the Diffusion Tapes. Additionally, Amy Parish has recently contributed several in-depth artist interviews in recent years so if you haven’t please check them out.

So, all that said, the point I’m getting to is that the blogging portion of this site will be sunsetted. All the content and store will remain live, there’s still plenty of content to see and read, we just won’t be adding any new posts or publishing. Fortunately, Diana’s Poignant Pics series will be moved and continue at her substack here, her great Female Gaze column on Frames is here, and of course, her personal work is over on her website. Some of Kirchoff’s other projects can be found at Analog Forever, Catalyst Interviews, and his personal site. As for me, I’m focusing my energy on my own work, creating content for my day job, and broadening my art and design horizons working with the Kale sisters over at their art consulting and custom art business Studio Kale. I have some fun multimedia ideas brewing for Studio Kale, so pop over and follow us on IG to stay up to date.

Thank you all for the support of One Twelve and Diffusion, I feel very fortunate to have made such lovely comrades over the past 18 years who have fostered such a great niche in the photo art community. My last bit of bit of advice, or PLEAD rather… Please, please, please keep creating hand-crafted photo art, we need it more than ever now!

Your pal,

Blue Mitchell

P.S. Please feel free to connect with me on Linkedin, all my creative endeavors will be updated there as they transpire.