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City Streets Serve as Muse For 200 Yards Photography Project

 Release by Peter Wilke

Release by Peter Wilke

(San Francisco, CA; May 24, 2011) – 200 Yards, the photography project that focuses on San Francisco neighborhoods 200 yards at a time, has put together its 4th show set to open on June 24, 2011 and launched a call to photographers for its 5th show to take place in the Tenderloin.


The 4th show, exhibiting at Dickerman Prints Photo Lab, showcases 22 images taken by 15 different photographers within the 200 yards circling the corner of 17th St. and South Van Ness. It’s an area that brings together vibrant art studios and ODC with car repair shops and industrial buildings. This collection is one of the most abstract and richly textured exhibitions 200 Yards has put together.


This August the photography exhibit will turn to the Tenderloin as a muse. The 5th show, to be held at Café Royale, is currently accepting submission of photographs taken within the 200-yard radius around the corner of Post and Leavenworth. Genevieve Robertson and Shelly Kerry, creators of the 200 Yards project, are extremely excited about this upcoming show. “Not only have we been wanting to do a show in the Tenderloin since we started, it will mark the one-year anniversary of our first exhibit,” says Robertson. “We hoped the project would continue, but we really had no idea it would catch on the way it has. People are constantly coming out of the woodwork to tell us how much they love the idea.” One of those supporters is The Tender, a blog that is all things Tenderloin. They’ve joined forces with 200 Yards to help spread the word about the August show and the opening reception on Thursday, August 4, 2011 will also be a TenderNights neighborhood party.  


With plans to continue doing at least 4 shows a year, the project will continue to explore new neighborhoods and will hopefully venture across the bay to Oakland next year. Kerry and Robertson are also putting more effort into building a community around the project. The guidance, inspiration and support they’ve provided emerging photographers has been extremely well received. In an attempt to provide more resources and structure they will be looking toward collaborations and organizing group events that get photographers together and capturing images. 


200 Yards @ Dickerman Prints Photo Lab, 3180 17th Street @ South Van Ness, opens Friday, June 24th with a reception from 6-9pm.  To be a part of the 5th show at Café Royale, read the rules and download the map.